SAFE is the Student Section of the Association for Fire Ecology.

SAFE aims to provide students with diverse backgrounds with an open forum on fire ecology through which research can be shared, networks formed, and funding and information resources can be accessed. SAFE has a network of local chapters at colleges and universities, each led by a faculty advisor. A team of National SAFE officers is elected annually by SAFE members to provide overall leadership for student programs and activities.

To be a SAFE member, students join AFE at the student rate of $35 annually. Membership provides:

SAFE provides grants to fund local chapter activities and funds student activities at our events. We often have a large student presence at our conferences, with many opportunities for presenting, gathering feedback on research and career options, and meeting other students. The national officers participate in conference planning committees to help design mentor events, student-focused sessions, and networking activities.

SAFE was established in 2000 by graduate students at the University of California Berkeley and University of California Davis, who came from a variety of academic disciplines and shared a strong interest in fire ecology and related issues. SAFE has continued to grow for the last 20 years, thanks to student leaders who are now established members of the wildland fire community and AFE!

You can email the national SAFE officers at and connect with us on Instagram and Facebook.

Student Gathering at the 8th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress, 2017

Student Gathering at the 8th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress, 2017