Welcome New 2021 SAFE Officers!

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We are happy to welcome Emily and Noah into national SAFE leadership positions!

National SAFE officers provide overall leadership to student members and local chapters and are elected by SAFE members annually. Among other responsibilities, the officers provide a student voice on the AFE Board of Directors, coordinate the annual grants to chapters, and plan student events at conferences. Thanks to Noah and Emily for serving in 2021, and thank you to our outgoing officers: Lars Filson, Risa Rushton, Michael Daugherty, and Savannah Cierley.

The positions for Training & Education Officer and Secretary/Treasurer are still open! if you are interested in serving, please email safe@fireecology.org.


Noah Haarmann is currently a senior at Northern Arizona University studying forestry with a certificate in fire ecology and management. He plans to attend graduate school for a MS in forestry at NAU next fall. Noah has 4 years of fire experience with the FS, three on a hotshot crew and one on an engine. He is excited to continue contributing to SAFE, and lead from the national level. 


Emily Palmer is the new SAFE vice president for 2021. She is currently a junior at the University of Idaho, studying Fire Ecology and Management with minors in Forest Resources and Ecology. Emily has 2 seasons of fire experience on an engine with Oregon Department of Forestry and plans to work for the BLM on a helitack crew this season. She is excited to be a part of SAFE national team!