Wildland Fire Professional Certification Program

Applications are Due Sept 1, 2025

The Association for Fire Ecology developed a Wildland Fire Professional Certification program to further promote ecologically-based science and management in wildland fire and fuels through accredited professionals. We have multiple certifications to fit diverse career stages and focal areas.

Becoming certified formally acknowledges your education, experience, and accomplishments and offers employers a way to identify you as a recognized wildland fire professional. For students, the certification program provides a clear pathway to define and achieve your career goals.

The application cost is $72 to $180 with 30% student discounts available. Applications are due September 1 and applicants are notified by December 1.

We’ve awarded more than 200 certifications for wildland fire ecologists, managers, and technicians. You can be next—Get Certified!

Types of Certification

Certification Types.jpg

AFE offers a total of 11 certifications: 3 initial certifications, 4 certifications focused on management, and 4 certifications focused on science. Each certification requires varying requirements for education and experience, and an applicant can apply for more than one certification at the same time.  Click here for an overview of each certification level, minimum qualifications, and fees. 



In an effort to maintain the highest professional certification standards, AFE has a recertification requirement. The recertification program provides employers, collaborators, and evaluators valuable information on the time relevance of the certification. AFE will post the year of recertification along with the year of the original certification on the list of certified professionals

How to Apply

  1. Please review the Professional Certification Guidebook to see if you meet the minimum qualifications and how you will be evaluated. Use the Application Checklist below to prepare your documents.

  2. Complete application by September 1st. 

  3. By applying for certification, all applicants agree to follow the AFE Code of Ethics; certified professionals who fail to follow the code risk losing their certification.

  4. After you submit your application, you will be directed to an online payment webpage to pay your application fee or be given the option to send your payment by mail.   

  5. You will receive confirmation and a copy of your application by email upon submission, and we will notify you of the results by December 1.

  6. We encourage all certified individuals to be AFE members and renew annually! Applicants who become certified and are not AFE members will be given a discount code to join the organization. We highlight the names of active AFE members on webpage listing certified individuals and send updates on opportunties on learning opportunies. If renewing membership represents a financial hardship, please contact AFE to apply for a fee waiver.

Application Checklist

Applications must be completed online using the link above. If you’d like to preview the application or draft responses, you can view the questions in this PDF version.

Prior to completing the online application, please make sure you have the following documents ready to upload. Save each file so the title includes your last name and document type (for example: Oxarart_Resume). Each file must be less than 10MB, and the combined total of all uploads must be under 20MB.