USFS Applied Fire and Forest Ecology Research (Wildland Fire and Fuels Treatment Outcomes)

Job Type: Full-time, On-site

Location: Redding, CA

Deadline: 4/1/2025

The USDA Forest Service's Pacific Southwest Research Station (PSW) is seeking a Research Fellow, preferably with experience in fire ecology/fire science, to join a team of USFS Research Scientists and University partners evaluating the effectiveness of fuel reduction treatments including mechanical thinning and prescribed fire, when impacted by wildfires. The objective of the project is to better understand the conditions under which treatments produce desirable outcomes, including reduction in fire severity, successful containment of fire spread by suppression operations, and well as reduction in wildfire impacts to homes and other infrastructure, to inform future adaptive management. The project involves both methodological development that will allow for future comparisons across geographic regions, and analysis of case studies in different landscapes. The Research Fellow will take on varying roles (flexible and to be determined, based on strengths and interests), and will gain experience with data acquisition and data analysis, as well as collaborating in the writing of manuscripts. The position is currently funded through Sept 30, 2026.

Postdoctoral candidates especially encouraged to apply, but applicants with an M.S. will also be considered.