Letter of Support for the National Prescribed Fire Act of 2024

The proposed legislation for the National Prescribed Fire Act (H.R. 8557/S. 4424) is a significant investment in US forests and contains critically needed policy changes for addressing the current wildfire crisis.

Click here to learn more about this bill.

On behalf of the fire science community, the Association for Fire Ecology has sent a letter of support for the National Prescribed Fire Act of 2024 to Senators Wyden and Padilla, Senate Environment and Natural Resources Chairman Joe Manchin and Ranking Member John Borasso, House Representatives Schrier and Valadao, and House Committee on Natural Resources Chairman Bruce Westerman and Ranking Member Raul Grijalva. The letter is signed by 663 fire scientists, managers, and others in the wildland fire community.

For questions or comments, please email us at hannah@fireecology.net.