USFS Outreach Notice: Researcher (post-doc) and Analyst

OUTREACH NOTICE: USDA Forest Service Research & Development 

Researcher (post-doc) and Analyst – Wildland Fire & Fuels Treatment Outcome Research

Reply Due:  Positions will be filled summer 2023

 About the positions. Multiple positions will soon be available to work with scientists across USFS research stations and at several universities on a national priority research effort to evaluate outcomes of wildfires interacting with fuel reduction treatments across the western US. The objective of the project is to better understand the conditions under which treatments produce desired outcomes, including reduction in fire severity, successful containment of fire spread by suppression operations, and reduction in wildfire impacts to homes and other infrastructure, to inform future adaptive management in a changing climate. The project involves both methodogical development that will allow for future comparisons across geographic regions, and analysis of case studies. Researchers and Analysts will take on different roles (flexible and to be determined, based on strengths and interests), but each will gain experience with data acquisition and data analysis, as well as collaborating in the writing of manuscripts. The positions are currently funded through Sept 30, 2025, and possibly longer with good performance and if additional funding is identified.

Qualifications that must be met: A recently completed degree in a related field (e.g fire ecology, forestry, forest ecology, fire science) is expected before starting the job – Ph.D. for the researcher, and an M.S. degree for the analyst. Knowledge and experience in the field of fire and/or forest ecology is required. Interest in research addressing applied management questions, a publication record in the field, and quantitative skills in developing workflows in languages such as R, Google Earth Engine or Python, are desirable. Starting salaries will be commensurate with experience. 

Geographic Location: A total of three researchers and four analysts will be hired. One researcher and analyst will be based in Seattle, WA and associated with the Pacific Northwest Research Station and the University of Washington; one researcher and analyst will be based out of Moscow, ID and associated with the Northern Research Station and the University of Idaho; one researcher and analyst will be based out of Fort Collins, CO and associated with the Rocky Mountain Research Station and Colorado State University, and one analyst will be based out of Redding or Davis, CA and associated with the Pacific Southwest Research Station. Remote duty stations are negotiable in each instance.

For more information

Contact Dr. Jens Stevens at or 202-644-4684. Collaborating researchers include Drs. Eric Knapp, Morris Johnson, Mike Battaglia, Matt Thompson, and Matt Dickinson. Positions will be formally advertised in summer of 2023. Responding to the outreach notice will ensure you are contacted. Anticipated start date negotiable but as soon as possible.