Promoting Fire Ecology Research, Education, and Management
The Association for Fire Ecology is an international organization dedicated to improving the knowledge and use of fire in land management. We are scientists, educators, students, managers, practitioners, policymakers, and interested citizens helping to shape the emerging profession and growing field of fire ecology.
AFE news
We are dedicated to supporting the wildland fire community and making it clear that the global fire crisis will not be solved by lack of funding, resources, or people. Click to read AFE’s statement on recent US federal actions.
Register for Tall Timbers FREE smoke course for two Category 1 Continuing Education Credits
Congratulations to the individuals who were certified in 2024 through AFE’s Wildland Fire Professional Certification Program!
We had a wonderful week in Santa Fe, New Mexico with 470 attendees at the 4th Southwest Fire Ecology Conference!
December 3 is #GivingTuesday and the start of AFE's End-of-Year Giving Campaign. There are several ways you can support our organization on this global day of giving!
On behalf of the fire science community, the Association for Fire Ecology has sent a letter of support for the National Prescribed Fire Act of 2024 to Senators and Representatives.
The proposed legislation for the National Prescribed Fire Act (H.R. 8557/S. 4424) is a significant investment in US forests and contains critically needed policy changes for addressing the current wildfire crisis.
We mourn Dr. Matt Rollins who tragically passed on August 18th, 2024. He's an established leader in the fire ecology community who collaborated with many AFE members.
A national survey project has been recently published in partnership with Colorado State University, the University of Michigan, Rural Voices for Conservation Coalition, the Fire Learning Network, The Nature Conservancy, and the Watershed Research and Training Center.
fire ecology Journal
The Association for Fire Ecology (AFE) welcomes applicants for the esteemed position of Editor-In-Chief (EIC) for the society’s international scientific journal, Fire Ecology.
Upcoming EVENTs
Save the date for the 11th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress in New Orleans, Louisiana!
SAFE Chapter News
Our National SAFE Officer nominations will open March 17th, 2025 and close March 28th, 2025. We encourage you to nominate yourself or someone else!
During the 2025 SAFE All-Chapter meeting our attending chapters shared updates on what they have accomplished this year and what future projects we can look forward to.
Join the national SAFE officers on February 6th, 2025 at 3pm PT for the SAFE All-Chapter meeting!
Audubon Canyon Ranch seeks an experienced prescribed fire professional to lead a team and a movement aimed at stewarding ecosystems, reducing fuel loads, and building community through the application of intentional fire.
The position and the burn crew are based out of Lake Norman State Park in North Carolina but work statewide and will be required to travel frequently as a NC Parks Prescribed Burn Crew Manager.
The Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences (Faculty of Forestry, Vancouver Campus, The University of British Columbia - UBC) invites applications for a tenure-track position in Transdisciplinary Wildfire Sciences at the Assistant Professor level.
The Tribal EcoRestoration Alliance (TERA) in Lake County, California is seeking a Fire Manager.
afe podcast: Fire Ecology Chats
Lauren Pile Knapp discusses how we can reopen closed forests in the eastern United States to woodlands and savannas, and reintroduce fire to those landscapes.
Carolyn Stephen, Jamie Ladner, and Lauren Sullivan discuss the effects of prescribed fire on plant communities like dry woodlands, dry-mesic woodlands, and glades in Missouri, USA.
Charlotte Reemts discusses how oak-juniper woodlands respond to crown fires in Fort Cavazos, and how that affects species like the endangered golden-cheeked warbler.
The USDA Forest Service Research and Development is proud to host a series of SCIENCEx Fire panel discussions intended for fire, fuels and land managers on topics associated with the Wildfire Crisis Strategy and beyond.