Fire Continuum Conference Proceedings

Fire Continuum Conference Proceedings


A proceedings of the Fire Continuum Conference, held in May 2018 in Missoula, Montana, has been published through the USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station.

The proceedings is the distilled version of the topics covered during the conference, including pre-fire planning and management, strategies during an incident, and post-fire effects and management options. It contains 25 extended abstracts and 21 full papers based on some of the presentations.

Our efforts to promote a diverse conference and build diversity within AFE and IAWF are highlighted in a full paper “On the Need for Inclusivity and Diversity in the Wildland Fire Professions.” In addition, four of the six field trips are summarized through collaboration with the Joint Fire Science Program’s Northern Rockies Fire Science Network.

As a companion to the proceedings, you can also view all oral and poster abstracts delivered during the conference.