ORISE Postdoctoral Fellowship

Research Project: The ORISE fellow will participate in communicating and applying climate adaptation related science generated by RMRS and its partners to stakeholders of the USDA Climate Northern Plains Hub. The ORISE fellow will interact with USDA Climate Hub staff to assess science needs and opportunities, communicate current RMRS research activities and application of climate adaptation, and strengthen connection between RMRS scientists and USDA Climate Hub. Within the scope of this research, the ORISE fellow will assist in the development and dissemination of a National-level synthesis related to climate change, wildfire, and dry conifer forests. The ORISE fellow will aid in the development of an outline, recruitment of pertinent authors, performing a systematic literature review, and synthesizing the information into a range of scientific dissemination products. In addition, the ORISE fellow will have the opportunity to engage in other climate change adaptation research including data collection, data analysis, and dissemination.

Learning Objectives: By the end of this fellowship, the ORISE participant will have gained workforce training in the scientific process for the fields of forestry, silviculture, and climate change adaptation strategies under the RMRS mentor. The participant will gain experience in project development, interaction with land managers and scientists, data quality assurance, data interpretation and analysis, and oral/written communication. In addition, the ability to contribute to a scientific publication will aid in the career development of the ORISE participant.

Appointment Length: This full-time appointment will initially be for two years but may be extended upon recommendation of USFS and is contingent on the availability of funds.

Participant Stipend: The participant will receive a monthly stipend commensurate with educational level and experience. The current stipend for this opportunity is equal to $6000 a month with a medical insurance stipend also provided.