Northern Arizona University School of Forestry seeks to fill one PhD position funded through a Teaching Assistantship. This position will focus on spatial patterns of wildfire disturbance related to forest dynamics, changing climate, post-fire recovery, and potentially biodiversity conservation. Applicants should possess strong analytical and statistical skills, demonstrated experience with GIS and spatial analysis, and good field skills.
There are two potential projects related to the PhD but it is somewhat flexible for the student to create their own ideas as well. The first project is to conduct investigations related to wildlife species distributions, the history of fire (severity, frequency, area burned), forest dynamics (patch size and isolation; composition and structure), and climate in the Jemez Mountains. The second project relates to revisiting 22-year-old post-fire plots in the Sierra Nevada Range in CA to look at change through time and reburns.
The position start date is Fall 2022. Applications are due by March 20th, with a first review of applicants by March 9th.