Episode 31: Changing fire regimes in East and Southern Africa’s savanna-protected areas: opportunities and challenges for indigenous-led savanna burning emissions abatement schemes

streaming on Spotify, YouTube, and Apple Podcasts

Host: Robert Keane, Editor of Fire Ecology and Retired Research Ecologist, USDA Forest Service, USA

Guest: Abigail Croker, Imperial College London

In this episode of Fire Ecology Chats, Fire Ecology editor Bob Keane speaks with Abigail Croker about the process of conducting this important research on changing fire regimes in East and Southern Africa’s savanna-protected areas, focusing on indigenous-led savanna burning emissions abatement schemes.

Special thanks to our guests for their participation, to Bob Keane for hosting this podcast series, and to Madeline Scheintaub for volunteering her time to edit the audio recordings.