University of Idaho


Fire Ecology and Management

College of natural resources

The University of Idaho (U of I) has had a long history leading the nation in both the education of leaders trained in the ecology and management of wildland fire, as well as producing cutting-edge research focused on wildland fire. The broad mission of the U of I’s program is to be nationally and internationally distinctive for wildland fire education, research and outreach that together increase knowledge and management of fire as a physical, ecological and social process. Consistent with the land-grant mission of the University of Idaho, our faculty and staff also practice engaged scholarship related to wildland fire, transferring insights and knowledge from science to help society improve everyday activities and ensuring that our science reflects the immediate and longer-term needs of society. This rich history extends back a period of nearly 30 years prior to the initiation of the B.S. in Fire Ecology and Management in 2007, the first degree of its kind to be offered within the United States.

With an emphasis on direct and experiential learning, the B.S. in Fire Ecology and Management educates students of fire’s holistic role in the environment such that our graduates develop the understanding and skills to solve complex problems involved in the management of natural resources. The University of Idaho offers more courses focused on fire than any other natural resources school in the country. Utilizing a variety of facilities unique to U of I (e.g., U of I Fire Initiative for Research and Education Combustion Lab, U of I Experimental Forest, and U of I Pitkin Forest Nursery & Center for Native Plant Regeneration), our courses and degree programs are developed to help students understand fundamental concepts, the science behind issues, and the skills and on-the-ground experience to become leaders in fire and natural resource management. Our fire research program attracts top graduate students and collaborates both with leading fire scientists and innovative fire managers around the globe. Additionally, our research and outreach efforts provide useful, timely and sound science to address fire ecology and management issues across the state, region and nation. We provide a range of educational opportunities for wildland fire managers and others interested in a career in wildland fire research with a focus on solving real world problems through an interdisciplinary approach that focuses on educating current and future fire professional leaders.