Research Fellow

Employer: Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education

Project: Wildfire-Treatment Outcomes

A Research Fellow position through the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) is now open to serve as a research facilitator and collaborator on the Wildfire-Treatment Outcomes project, a national priority research effort to evaluate outcomes of wildfires interacting with fuel reduction treatments across the Western US. The objective of the project is to better understand the conditions under which treatments produce desired outcomes, including reduction in fire severity, successful containment of fire spread, and reduction in wildfire impacts to homes and other infrastructure. The project involves both methodological development that will allow for future comparisons across geographic regions, and analysis of case studies.

The selected candidate will help guide an interdisciplinary analysis team to ensure project objectives and milestones are met, serve as a primary point of contact for project-related inquiries (internal and external), and aid in creating project plans and communication materials. The facilitator will also have the opportunity to aid in data acquisition and analysis, and collaborative manuscript writing. This position is an ideal opportunity for scholars seeking leadership and project management experience within a national high-profile initiative with a skilled group of research collaborators. A PhD is preferred but candidates with a Master's degree and relevant experience will be considered.

For more information about the position, please contact Jens Stevens, National Program Lead for Wildland Fire & Fuels Research with the USDA Forest Service, at