New Mexico Prescribed Fire Council: Procurement of Council Coordinator

Job Type: Part-time, Contracted

Location: Remote, New Mexico

Deadline: 3/24/2025


The Council is seeking the services of an independent contractor who lives in New Mexico to serve as the part-time (roughly ¼ to ½) Council Coordinator to:

  • Organize educational events and coordinate training opportunities to increase the number of state certified burn managers with a focus on high priority landscapes and high risk communities.

  • Facilitate pre- and post-burn public engagement efforts with burn practitioners in NM that may include the USFS, BLM, State of New Mexico, tribes, NGOs, and landowners.

  • Liaise with USFS fire managers to coordinate prescribed fire management with inholding and boundary landowners.

  • Facilitate monthly Council meetings and support the Council Board with coordination to maintain a healthy and functioning Council for New Mexico.