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AFE is pleased to share announcements about job openings in fire ecology, fire management, and the environmental sector. If you would like to add a job posting to this page, please fill out this form. Email any questions to the following address:

    • The National Interagency Fire Center has an excellent website to share career resources and specific information for federal agencies.

    • Careers in Fire and Fuels is a course at the University of Idaho that includes guest speakers from diverse wildland fire and fuels positions. You can watch the recorded presentations at anytime.

    • The Green Jobs Board is a great resource to search for jobs in the climate space.

    • FireUp is America's first careers platform exclusively dedicated to fire and forestry jobs, community, and well-being.

    • Many fire jobs can be found on Indeed (e.g. keyword search “wildland fire”, “prescribed fire”, etc.), even for government agencies.

    • Wildland fire can also often be found on conservation-focused job boards such as Conservation Job Board and the Texas A&M Wildlife Job Board.

    • The Nature Conservancy (TNC) regularly hires wildland fire professionals at varying levels. Details on current postings can be found here (keyword search “fire”).

    • Internships, experiential learning opportunities, academic fellowships, and scholarships funded by the US government and private sector organizations and administered by Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) and the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) can be found on the Zintellect website. Search by keyword “fire.”

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