AFE is pleased to share announcements about job openings in fire ecology, fire management, and the environmental sector. If you would like to add a job posting to this page, please fill out this form. Email any questions to the following address: hannah@fireecology.net.
The National Interagency Fire Center has an excellent website to share career resources and specific information for federal agencies.
Careers in Fire and Fuels is a course at the University of Idaho that includes guest speakers from diverse wildland fire and fuels positions. You can watch the recorded presentations at anytime.
The Green Jobs Board is a great resource to search for jobs in the climate space.
FireUp is America's first careers platform exclusively dedicated to fire and forestry jobs, community, and well-being.
Many fire jobs can be found on Indeed (e.g. keyword search “wildland fire”, “prescribed fire”, etc.), even for government agencies.
Wildland fire can also often be found on conservation-focused job boards such as Conservation Job Board and the Texas A&M Wildlife Job Board.
The Nature Conservancy (TNC) regularly hires wildland fire professionals at varying levels. Details on current postings can be found here (keyword search “fire”).
Internships, experiential learning opportunities, academic fellowships, and scholarships funded by the US government and private sector organizations and administered by Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) and the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) can be found on the Zintellect website. Search by keyword “fire.”
Recent Job Posts
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Audubon Canyon Ranch seeks an experienced prescribed fire professional to lead a team and a movement aimed at stewarding ecosystems, reducing fuel loads, and building community through the application of intentional fire.
The position and the burn crew are based out of Lake Norman State Park in North Carolina but work statewide and will be required to travel frequently as a NC Parks Prescribed Burn Crew Manager.
The Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences (Faculty of Forestry, Vancouver Campus, The University of British Columbia - UBC) invites applications for a tenure-track position in Transdisciplinary Wildfire Sciences at the Assistant Professor level.
The Tribal EcoRestoration Alliance (TERA) in Lake County, California is seeking a Fire Manager.
A fellowship opportunity is available with the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service (FS) within the Pacific Southwest Research Station (PSWRS) located in Redding, California.
Cal Poly Humboldt and the Department of Forestry, Fire, and Rangeland Management invites applications for an academic year, full-time, 1.0 time base, temporary faculty position in Fire and Forest Science for academic year 2025/2026.
The University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) invites applications for a UC Cooperative Extension (UCCE) Forestry and Natural Resources Advisor at the Assistant rank.
This position is responsible for monitoring, assessing, and management of forest and grassland resources located on the Seminole Tribe of Florida’s lands.
The Center for Geospatial Analytics, NC State University and USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station, Research Triangle Park, NC are seeking a full-time Postdoctoral Research Scholar.
The Environmental Defense Fund is seeking a Senior Manager of Markets and Technology and Wildfire Resilience.
Cal Poly Humboldt Department of Forestry, Fire, and Rangeland Management is hiring a full time temporary faculty member to support our growing Applied Fire Science and Management and Forestry programs in Fall 2025.
The Council is seeking the services of an independent contractor who lives in New Mexico to serve as the part-time (roughly ¼ to ½) Council Coordinator.
Senior Research Associate at Wilfrid Laurier University coordinating research projects in the Northwest Territories, Canada.
Recruitment for the BLM Alaska Fire Service’s Type 2 North Star Fire Crew is open until April 1. Located in Fairbanks, Alaska the North Star Fire Crew is an entry level wildland fire hand crew that provides a pathway to become an AFS hotshot, smokejumper or fire specialist.
The University of British Columbia’s Centre for Wildfire Coexistence is seeking applicants for a funded interdisciplinary PhD project: “Collaborative approaches to prescribed and cultural fire”.
The Nature Conservancy is seeking a Prescribed Fire Manager in Washington State (Cle Elum, Ellensburg, Wenatchee, Yakima).
The University of Nevada, Reno Extension is recruiting for an engaged and innovative professional to serve as the Outreach & Content Coordinator for the Living With Fire (LWF) Program.
The Association for Fire Ecology (AFE) welcomes applicants for the esteemed position of Editor-In-Chief (EIC) for the society’s international scientific journal, Fire Ecology.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is looking for temporary employees to work as Materials Handlers in Boise, ID at the Great Basin Area Support Cache (GBK) at the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC).
Chadron State College is seeking a Rangeland Management & Ecology faculty member who is interested in educating the next generation of land managers.
University of Michigan's School for Environment and Sustainability invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship to investigate risk perception and adaptation behavior regarding climate change and natural hazards, specifically wildfires and wildfire smoke.
A PhD research assistantship is available with Dr. Heather Alexander (Forest and Fire Ecology Lab, College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment at Auburn University) and Dr. Jeffery Cannon (Landscape Ecology Lab, Jones Center at Ichauway).
The Nature Conservancy is hiring a Preserve Management Assistant - Tallgrass Aspen Parklands in Karlstad, Minnesota.
The Nature Conservancy is hiring a Prairie Forest Border Stewardship Fellow in Cushing, Minnesota.
The Nature Conservancy is hiring a Prescribed Fire Coordinator in Cushing and Ely, Minnesota.
The Northern Research Station is conducting a pre-vacancy announcement outreach for a highly skilled and qualified candidate to fill a term Interdisciplinary - Research Ecologist, GS-0408-12, Research Forester GS-0460-12, or Research Physical Scientist GS-1301-12 position with a duty station at the Silas Little Forest in New Lisbon, New Jersey.